Request an interview for ASCEND.

This is an exclusive group of real estate investors with one goal in mind, 


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What You Will Learn​

join Alex pardo

Apply Today For a Free 30 Minute No Obligation Phone Call To See If ASCEND Is Right For You!

Alex Pardo, a Founder of the ASCEND Mastermind has 28 Years Of Coaching Entrepreneurs Around The Country.

He, along with his partner Alex Share an Incredible Passion For Helping Others Breakthrough Their Barriers While Developing The Skills Necessary To Create a Fulfilling Life. Click Below To Discover More.


Here's what past
attendees are saying

I’ve always been skeptical of Masterminds because it seemed like a trend for people who were no longer doing deals to supplement their income with ‘subscribers’ and the value would be minimal. Boy was I VERY wrong! Alex and Steve have an amazing wealth of knowledge and they are very strategic about how the impart it upon the group. My first event was a few short months ago and it’s amazing to see not only the growth in myself but also my business partner! Steve is my assigned Mentor and he has an unusual gift in asking the right questions to lead you to your own answers. Alex is just the same, very supportive and both are men of Faith. Ultimately, I have to thank my business partner for developing this relationship and gently judging me to join. The members are all very active and I enjoy that’s it’s very causal with no pretense. I foresee myself being a lifelong member of this group! If you’re doing deals, want a solid network and are reachable and ready to take it to the next level, look no further!’

Darryl Wilson

Ascend, Steve, and Alex have helped my fiance and I break through many personal and professional barriers. The shared resources, relationships, and coaching is exactly what we have been needing without knowing it until we joined. Join or forever miss out an a trajectory changing opportunity.”

Brentin Hess

”I chose ASCEND because they have it all. It’s a mastermind AND coaching. It’s business AND life. And they have delivered on it all. My coach Alex gives resources and insight. Alex is further down the business path than I am and I learn from his experience. With the power of a mastermind I learn from a room of action takers who have similar business challenges. ASCEND has helped me to hire, build a team and scale my business. The coaching and mastermind also help me be a better husband, father, and person. This is a safe space where I shine the light on personal challenges and get insight from the wisdom of others. Ascend is an awesome addition to my life!”

Aaron Moore

”Every since, we started our entrepreneurial journey, we have always desired the feeling of family and community. No matter what industry we found ourselves in, we saw more success when we felt like people actually cared about us and our well-being. We have definitely found that synergy within Ascend. We have family and not only that, we have found key individuals who truly want the best for us. No matter what decision we face, we can always count on honesty, integrity, and above all else, love. We have not always been the most financial conscious and have on more than one occasion made some serious errors. We can definitely say that our investment into this group has returned a million times over in value. Within the short timeframe that we have been involved with Ascend, my husband has been able to securely walk away from his 50hr plus a week job, our family has grown closer together, our marriage is stronger, and our business is finally on track to provide for us in a way that it has never done before. We attribute these blessings to our relationship with Alex and Steve along with their family and other Ascend members. With Ascend, its more that just business, it is personal and we truly have found home!”

Leon Thompson

Ready to upgrade your skills?

Apply to be apart of this transformational group of investors.


Please let us know what's on your mind. Have a question for us? Ask away.