For Thursday’s Q&A session, Alex discusses various ways you can get your marketing to stand out. He talks about some of the strategies he personally uses to get leads and also talks on why the follow up process is responsible for almost 70-80% of his deals. Listen in for more!
Key Takeaways:
- On Monday’s show, Alex mentioned that 70% of his deals come from the followup.
- On this week’s Q&A show, Alex will be doing a deep dive on the followup process.
- Alex recommends that you read all of Dan Kennedy’s books.
- Most people are walking around in a trance and your marketing needs to snap them out of it.
- You don’t ask to marry someone on the first date.
- Letters don’t have the same novelty these days and homeowners are bored of them too.
- Alex used Cris Chico’s approach and he got close to a 25% response rate.
- What does Alex’s marketing system look like?
- 70-80% of Cris’s deals come from direct-mail marketing.
- There’s a fine balance between how you space out your marketing resources.
- You want 20% of your efforts to generate 80% of your results.
- How does Alex set up his direct-mail system?
- Alex takes 20% of every deal and puts it back in his marketing budget.
- One of the things that separates Alex from his competitors is that he is always marketing.
- Be consistent with your marketing and your campaigns.
Mentioned in This Episode:
The Ultimate Sales Letter by Dan S. Kennedy
Read all of Dan Kennedy’s books.
Hypnotic Writing by Joe Vitale
Outrageous Advertising by Bill Glazer
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