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EP399: In Times of Uncertainty, Here's What You Need to Know (& Keep in Mind)

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Alex wants you to remember that what we’re dealing with right now is not going to last forever! Yes, people are afraid right now and it’s your time to step up and really shine by over communicating with everyone who works with you. Your team, your sellers, buyers, lenders, etc. Everyone! Check in like you are checking in with a close family member and see where you can add value. 


Key Takeaways:

  • Remember this crisis that we’re in now is not going to last forever.
  • It’s important to acknowledge your team member’s feelings and help them through this uncertainty. 
  • This is the time you need to shine. 
  • Are we headed into a recession? 
  • Times like these we need to be over communicating, even if it’s about the news people don’t want to hear. 
  • Talk to your top buyers and see how they’re doing.
  • Ask your sellers how you can help them beyond your traditional business services.
  • Make sure you’re doing right and make sure you’re taking care of the people in your community. 
  • If someone was working with your grandmother or a loved one, how would you want them to check in with them? 
  • What should you be doing with your marketing dollar right now? 
  • Follow up, follow up, follow up. The sellers who said no, check up on them now, how are they doing? 
  • Mail a hardcopy of your contract to hot sellers who you’ve been to appointments with. 
  • Take a look at your ‘luxury hires’ and see where you can trim down.
  • Remember, be a professional. Stand out from the crowd and caring for the people you serve. 

Mentioned in This Episode:

How To Grow Your Business, Expand Your Impact, and Experience Your Perfect Life: Don’t Wait To Enjoy Your Life Tomorrow, Live It Today!

Let Alex know what you’d like to hear:



“Always, always, keep all lines of communication open. Now is the time to over communicate with people.”

“Don’t subscribe to the mentality that no news is good news. When times are rough, over communicate.”

“Marketing and labor are going to be your two highest expense, so now is the time to evaluate your KPIs.”


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