With everything that’s happening right now, Alex shares some of his tips on what to do next while we head into the unknown. It’s time to get your disposition side really strong because we are quickly transitioning into a buyer’s market! Communicate with your existing buyer’s to find out what they want, and go build new relationships!
Key Takeaways:
- This is a time to be a leader.
- We are quickly changing from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market.
- Have important conversations with your buyers on what they want and what they’re looking for.
- Get specific information so you can start looking for those deals and honing in (i.e. Reverse Wholesaling).
- Anytime you see a ‘we buy houses’ bandit sign, call that person.
- Pull all the cash transactions that have been happening in your area for the last six months and skip trace them.
- Contact real estate agents.
- Get inventory off your books. Speed is the name of the game… “A quick nickel is better than a slow dime” – Steve Cook.
Mentioned in This Episode:
How To Grow Your Business, Expand Your Impact, and Experience Your Perfect Life: Don’t Wait To Enjoy Your Life Tomorrow, Live It Today!
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Gmail Tool to Send Mass Emails: Gmass.co
“This is the time where leaders shine and leaders lead.”
“We’re in this together. Chin up, chest out, know that I got your back and know that you can do this.”
“Use this opportunity to get better and reset!”
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