EP442: Nathan Trunfio & Alex Pardo Discuss Leadership, Lending, Transitioning from SFH to Multifamily (& Common Mistakes You Must Avoid!)

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Nathan Trunfio is the President of DLP Lending, a private mortgage lender providing innovative funding solutions for real estate investors. Nathan shares his thoughts on how to be a great leader, owning single-family vs. multi-family properties, and some of the common mistakes investors make when it comes to owning multi-family properties.


Key Takeaways:

  • How did Nathan get started in real estate?
  • The key to Nathan’s success has been working on his own personal development and a better understanding of himself; He works hard to make an impact on others.
  • Direct Lending Partners have doubled in staff since Nathan joined. What’s been the hardest part of that journey?
  • How does Nathan enjoy the success he’s achieved vs. setting new goals and heights?
  • You have to take the time to get to know your team members and what motivates them. Is it money, time, gifts?
  • What are some leadership resources that Nathan loves to use?
  • It feels like everyone is rushing to get into multi-family. We’ll explore what’s going on there!
  • People are willing to pay more for the same product right now.
  • If you do decide to own multi-family, dive deep, and research it.
  • Always know what types of strengths you bring to the table.
  • Nathan shares a story on how someone he knew broke into the multifamily space.
  • What makes people fail in multifamily? Nathan shares his observations.
  • How has lending changed, now that everyone is operating in this ‘new normal’?
  • What advice would Nathan give his 20-year-old self?
  • Nathan shares a little bit about his podcast, Talking Loudly, and what’s it about.
  • Interested in some direct lending solutions? Reach out to Nathan!


Connect with Nathan: Directlendingpartners.com, Talkingloudly.com & LinkedIn



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“The continuous grind, the continuous grit, the continuous setting of expectations and holding people accountable is what allows us as a unit to continue to set the bar higher.”

“If you’re looking to grow as a manager and a leader, you will only get out what you put in.”

“My advice to those looking to get into multifamily is crawl before you walk before you run. At the end of the day, it’s about profit and being successful at what you do.”

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